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Star Stories: Constellation Tales From Around the World

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ISBN-10: 0762495057
Publisher:Running Press Kids; Illustrated edition (July 2, 2019)
Hardcover: 96 pages
Reading Age :7 – 12 years
Dimesnios:9.88 x 0.75 x 11.13 inches
Item Weight:1.8 pounds

$14.89 $11.91

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Share the wonder of the stars with this delightful storybook collection featuring constellation myths from around the world. For thousands of years people have looked up to the night sky and told stories about the stars. These epic tales tell of vengeful gods and goddesses, of monsters and heroes. Others try to make sense of the natural world, or unravel the mysterious forces of the universe. This stunning book brings together 23 of these legends from all over the world: from Ancient Greece to North America, Egypt, China, India, and the South Pacific. Written by award-winning author Anita Ganeri and with beautifully detailed artwork by illustrator Andy Wilx, this is a magical book to be treasured for generations to come.


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1 Review Write a review
  1. Michael (verified owner)

    Excellent flavor and packaging!

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