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Alef Bet Tracing and Practice: Learn to write the letters of the Hebrew alphabet

ISBN-10: 1951462041
Publisher:Cactus Pear Books; Illustrated edition (December 15, 2019)
3: 118 pages
Reading Age :Baby – 12 years
Dimesnios:8.5 x 0.27 x 11 inches
Item Weight:10.2 ounces

$12.95 $10.36

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Develop your child’s early Hebrew literacy skills. This book encourages children to consistently write letters in Hebrew so that letter formation becomes second nature. Perfect for children just starting to learn Hebrew. This Hebrew letter tracing workbook helps children: Write letters effortlessly. Recognize the print letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Build a foundation for writing in Hebrew. Start to connect words in Hebrew to things they know. This book includes: Both tracing lines and blank lines to practice and write. Directional arrows that show how to write each letter (new! Thanks very much for the feedback) 3 pages of tracing and practice for every letter. Every Hebrew letter, including final letter forms. Coloring book style word pictures to introduce each letter. Large and clear pages. (8.5 x 11 inches. paperback. 118 pages. b+w)


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