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Algorithms with Frozen (Disney Coding Adventures)

ISBN-10: 1541526759
Publisher:Lerner Publications ™; Illustrated edition (August 1, 2018)
Paperback: 32 pages
Reading Age :6 – 9 years
Dimesnios:7.75 x 0.25 x 10 inches
Item Weight:4.2 ounces

$8.10 $6.48

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This simple, unplugged introduction to algorithms is designed for young readers not yet ready for coding on computers. Beloved characters Elsa and Anna, from Disney’s Frozen franchise, draw in readers new to coding concepts.How do computers know what to do? Do they have brains? Of course not! People write lines of code that tell a computer what to do. Several lines of code make up an algorithm. You can write algorithms too! You can even write algorithms for a friend instead of a computer.


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