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America, a Redemption Story: Choosing Hope, Creating Unity

5 Reviews Write a review

ISBN-10: 1400236495
Publisher:Thomas Nelson (August 9, 2022)
Hardcover: 256 pages
Reading Age :None
Dimesnios:9.25 x 0.88 x 6.38 inches
Item Weight:14.4 ounces

$26.09 $20.87

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The American Dream isn’t a thing of the past, but a miracle of the present. Now more than ever it’s easy to focus on the divisions that plague our nation. It may seem as if our best days are behind us, but bestselling author and senator Tim Scott believes we have yet to realize the fullness of our identity. We are in the midst of a story that’s still unfolding. And beautiful opportunities await. In this powerful memoir, Scott recounts formative events of his life alongside the inspiring stories of other Americans who have risen above hardship and embodied the values that make our nation great. Together these personal and inspirational accounts call readers to embrace the mountaintops as well as the valleys on the journey to a more perfect union; a path marked by optimism, hope, and resolve; and a future characterized by endurance, unity, and strength. Both a clear-eyed reckoning with our nation’s failures and an ode to its accomplishments, America, a Redemption Story issues a clarion call for all of us to rise courageously to the greatness within our reach.


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5 Reviews Write a review
  1. Karen S. Hansen

    Only a person with a good character and a positive vision of life could have written this book because it was really written from his heart. I have always admired and truly like Senator Tim Scott, which is why I chose to read his book. He so generously shares many fascinating stories of his family, friends and himself. His faith, intelligence and constant determination has guided him to live his life with purpose and meaning. Through his stories I learned so much about him and see that his life was never easy or predictable but he put every event into building blocks to guide him along. There are many valuable lessons people can learn from him and I believe that we should be much more aware of what we think and feel and use our own life experiences to get us to our next life chapter. We have all, at one time or another moved ahead in life, maybe with blinders, with no plan and just let life itself move us along as if we are riding a wave and traveling alone. What I believe Senator Scott’s strongest message is to look, feel and experience life with deeper meaning, awareness and direction. Notice those around us and realize we are never alone and we can learn from others and also realize the wonderful feeling that maybe we also have influenced others by being a kinder and better person. You cannot build a house without a plan, and life is just as complicated so we need to think in those terms. His strongest message is the reinforcement that we are so fortunate to live in a country that has no boundaries that limit us, but allows us to accomplish the most we can within our power. History has shown that America had its difficult times, boundaries and blockaides and many people suffered to help eliminate and overcome them. That history paved our way. The only limit is what we put on ourself.

  2. tweetybird

    I wish I could praise this book as eloquently as Tim Scott wrote it. But he’s the writer; I’m the appreciative audience. If our other leaders had the mindset, intelligence and thoughtfulness of Senator Scott, our country would be a much nicer place indeed. Every chapter is filled with anecdotes, some personal, some about well-known people, and some about everyday heroes whose names would otherwise remain unknown. The entire book is engrossing but the chapter The Black Experience was especially thought-provoking (thank you, Jennifer DeCasper). To say I had no idea these things still occur gives a clue to my skin color. Everybody from teenage & up will enjoy and benefit from reading America, A Redemption Story. Please buy it for someone you care about.

  3. Kathy from SC

    America, a Redemption Story is truly an inspirational book. Senator Scott’s story and the way he tells it should inspire us all to be the best that we can be, to love without fail & to walk in every manswoman’s shoes before we “think” we know them. Every chapter was better than the last & I hated putting it down, although I held off reading the last chapter, as I didn’t want to be finished with it. Every American should read this, if for no other reason to be reminded how blessed we are to be Americans.

  4. Donald E. L. Johnson

    Other reviewers have skillfully reviewed Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) campaign book and autobiography.

  5. tracy collins

    Tim Scott is a voice we need to listen to more. His story chooses to see the best in others, even those who disagree with him politically. He has faced racism and discrimination, yet chooses not to focus on the past but to work to make things better for the future – his and future generations. I love his strong faith, and it’s obvious that is what makes Tim the person that he is. If you need to know there are at least a few people in Washington DC that are trying to do the right thing and working for us, then this book will restore your faith in that hope. While Tim is swimming against the tide, he won’t give up because he believes in America and in her people. Thank you Tim Scott for writing this book! It gives me hope for the future of our country, even in today’s climate.

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