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A Child of Books

ISBN-10: 0763690775
Publisher:Candlewick; Illustrated edition (September 6, 2016)
Hardcover: 40 pages
Reading Age :6 – 9 years
Dimesnios:10.19 x 0.44 x 10.56 inches
Item Weight:1.15 pounds

$17.99 $14.39

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“This is an editor favorite for its inventive illustrations and story that explores the wonders of books. It’s great for children beginning to experience the joy of reading independently.” – Seira Wilson, Amazon Editor New York Times best-selling author-illustrator Oliver Jeffers and fine artist Sam Winston deliver a lyrical picture book inspiring readers of all ages to create, to question, to explore, and to imagine. A little girl sails her raft across a sea of words, arriving at the house of a small boy and calling him away on an adventure. Through forests of fairy tales and across mountains of make-believe, the two travel together on a fantastical journey that unlocks the boy’s imagination. Now a lifetime of magic and adventure lies ahead of him . . . but who will be next? Combining elegant images by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston’s typographical landscapes shaped from excerpts of children’s classics and lullabies, A Child of Books is a stunning prose poem on the rewards of reading and sharing stories—an immersive and unforgettable reading experience that readers will want to pass on to others.


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