In The Great Reset: And the War for the World , the most controversial man on earth Alex Jones gives you a full analysis of The Great Reset, the global elite’s international conspiracy to enslave humanity and all life on the planet. If you really want to know what’s happening in the world, this is the one book you must read now. Alex Jones is the most censored man on the planet and you should ask yourself why that is. There is a powerful authoritarian takeover in process that is seeking to capture the entire human system and turn it into an artificial factory farm controlled system. We are in a war for the future of the world. In this book, you will hear from the world’s elites, from their own mouths, what they are planning for you and your families and you will learn what you can do to fight it. From central bankers, corporate billionaires, and corrupted government officials, global elites have been organizing a historic war on humanity under a trans-humanist, scientific dictatorship. Alex Jones was the first major figure to expose the World Economic Forum’s agenda. He has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to studying The Great Reset, conducting tens of thousands of interviews with top-level scientists, politicians, and military officials in order to reverse engineer their secrets and help awaken humanity. The Great Reset: And the War for the World chronicles the history of the global elites’ rise to power and reveals how they’ve captured the governments of the world and financed The Great Reset to pave the way for The New World Order. Once dubbed a conspiracy theory, but now openly promoted by the most powerful corporations and governments, The Great Reset is a planned attempt to redistribute all the world’s wealth and power into the hands of banks, corporations, billionaires, and The World Economic Forum. If you read one book in a lifetime, this is it. In The Great Reset: And the War for the World , you will discover from the self-appointed controllers of the planet in their own words, their plan for what they call the final revolution, or The Great Reset. The only way this corporate fascist conspiracy can succeed is if the people of the world are not aware of it. And this book lays out their sinister blueprint and how to stop it. While many great books have been written to help awaken people to this sinister agenda, no author has ever spent as much time and research on The Great Reset as Alex Jones. T he Great Reset: And the War for the World is the undisputed trailblazer for understanding what’s happening and how to stop it.
Loving Retirement –
Wake UP and fight for your country as if the sand is running low on a fragile glass egg timer, because IT IS! We are on the brink of a global civil war against greedy power obsessed globalists who are IN PROGRESS to create human cyborgs (humans surgically merged with computerized electronics) to policecontrolgovern youus. They can’t take over our country to take yourour constitutional freedoms unless you capitulate! Don’t give in. Don’t give up! Don’t believe anything you hear until you research all opposing sides. Our whole country is foundedbased on having CHOICE, anyone who tries to rob you of your legal rights is intending to suppress you; and if so, IS YOUR ENEMY. Wake UP! VOTING IS YOUR POWER..USE IT!
Joe Dunkle –
Just received it today and I cannot put this book down. Alex breaks down the globalist blueprint for dominating the world and taking down America with tons of URLS and references to their own documents in the appendix. What Alex has been saying since the late 90s is coming true in the news every day. With 70 days until the 2022 midterms, what do the Democrats and the administrative state have in store to foil MAGA from getting patriots elected in the House and Senate. Buy this book and make it go to number one.
m00001 –
Alex Jones is a national treasure and this book is probably the most important book of the decade. He’s a rough-around-the-edges fighter for freedom. You may not like his style, his voice or what he says, but it will be your loss if you fail to grasp the concepts introduced in this book. The fate of the nation is at stake. Educate yourself as to what you can do to fight back against the globalists– read this book!
Nunya Business –
This book is a roadmap to understand what is behind all of these major movements being pushed on society. All these agendas are like puzzle pieces that fit together to make the eventual world government. Do your research folks, they want the vast majority of us gone. They don’t care about your health or happiness.
Critical –
This book will open your eyes to how the world is run, who the players are and how it’ll impact you, your children and the generations that follow. Once you understand how the world really works, there’s no unseeing it. What a brilliant, insightful masterpiece by Alex. In flag he could fit all the information into a single book and make it understandable for the rest of us.
Zachariah king –
If you want to know the future of where society is being pushed into this will open your eyes like it did mine, never mind the hype find out for yourself!
IL –
Like Jones or not, he is right about this. This book is a must read
nbbennet –
The information in this book will change the way you look at the world. It connects the dots. Unreal!