The Mountain of Adventure is the fifth thrilling installment in the Adventure series by Enid Blyton, one of the best-loved children’s writers of all time. This gorgeous edition of the classic adventure features an iconic retro cover adapted from the original cover artwork by Stuart Tresilian. Surely a peaceful holiday in the Welsh mountains will keep the children out of trouble! But the mystery of a rumbling mountain soon has them thirsty for more adventure. Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann, Jack and Kiki the parrot are determined to explore the mountain and uncover its secret, but first they must escape from a pack of ravenous wolves and a mad genius who plans to rule the world! Discover more books in the wondrous Adventure series with The Island of Adventure, The Castle of Adventure, The Valley of Adventure, The Sea of Adventure, The Ship of Adventure, The Circus of Adventure and The River of Adventure.
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